Stories of Technology, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship in the Southeast

Knoxville Business News Tennessee Mountain Scenery Background
January 31, 2022 | Tom Ballard

Tech transfer/commercialization results reported locally and by others

A number of universities and other research entities are reporting 2021 technology transfer/commercialization statistics, either for the calendar or fiscal year.

Earlier this month in a “News & Notes” posting, we included this link to the annual report of the University of Tennessee Research Foundation (UTRF) titled “Discover 2021.” Among other statistics, the organization cited a record high 51 licenses and agreements in 2021, 45 active start-up companies, 217 active technology transfer licenses, and $238 million in capital raised by UTRF-affiliated companies.

Also locally,  Consolidated Nuclear Security (CNS), which manages the Y-12 National Security Complex, celebrated technology transfer successes. Personnel behind nine inventions and five patents were recognized in a virtual ceremony that also included the Pantex Plant in Amarillo, TX that CNS also manages. Click here to read about those accomplishments.

Several other universities have issued annual reports including two located in states that are considered national leaders – The Ohio State University (OSU) and University of Utah.

  • Income from commercializing technology developed at OSU dropped for the second year in a row, but cumulative leading indicators hit record highs: 105 active spinoff companies and 170 licenses generating revenue. That’s according to a recent article in Columbus Inno which also reported that OSU has approved a budget to hire more licensing officers who can secure intellectual property and pursue deals.
  • In its report available at this link, the University of Utah reported 31 licenses executed in 2021, 14 start-ups launched, and $884 million raised by all of its Utah-related start-ups.

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