EPRI to play major role in new DOE clean energy incubator initiative
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), headquartered in Knoxville, is playing a major role in a new “National Incubator Initiative for Clean Energy” launched by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
According to a DOE release, EPRI will partner with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Colorado “to coordinate clean energy-focused business incubators nationwide and provide robust online and technical resources to support the innovation and entrepreneurship community.”
The EPRI-NREL portion of the overall initiative is called the “Clean Technology Accelerator Program (CleanTAP).” From a funding perspective, the two organizations will share about 30 percent of the overall funding.
The focus of the overall initiative is to “create a national support network to serve the clean energy small business and entrepreneur community, providing critical technical assistance and training services in order to bring these businesses and entrepreneurs closer to market readiness. The Initiative will establish a suite of technological and training resources, connect critical industry and energy sector partners, enhance incubator best practices, and increase access to information about industry resources to advance innovative clean energy technologies emerging from universities and federal laboratories.”
To read the DOE release, click here.
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