Stories of Technology, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship in the Southeast

Knoxville Business News Tennessee Mountain Scenery Background
Weekend edition January 19, 2024 | Katelyn Biefeldt

Allevia technology celebrates 13 years, a ‘life-long dream’ for founder

As the Maryville-based company celebrates its anniversary on January 21, it looks back on 13 years of serving East Tennessee.

At 14 years old, Stefan Wilson became one of the youngest people to ever become an A+ Certified Technician in the state of Tennessee. He built his first website before he could legally drive and has been fixing people’s computers since he was in high school. Now, he is celebrating 13 years as the founder and owner of a computer repair company, Allevia Technology.

Today, the company has 52 employees, 400 clients, and services nearly 4,000 unique devices. Allevia services individuals and companies that don’t have an IT professional on staff, but still have technical needs. Wilson said he has built the business off his love for people, problem solving, and technology.

Stefan Wilson

His appreciation for computers dates to middle school.

“I was the goofy kid with glasses and braces, and the new kid at school,” Wilson said. “Then, I got hooked up with the tech club at my school, which was led by Lisa Berry, the former Director of Technology at Alcoa City Schools. That group changed my life, and certainly changed my trajectory.”

Thriving would be an understatement. Going into high school, Wilson used his platform in the tech club to begin fixing broken computers at school. He created business cards and started handing them out to members of his church. It wasn’t long before he began getting referrals.

“I look back on life and think, what if I hadn’t taken those steps? Would I be where I am today?” he said.

Wilson attended the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK), and was granted the first ever information technology (IT) student position at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in downtown Knoxville. He stayed with the government for four years, and learned a plethora of skills about structure, record keeping, and maintenance. However, upon graduation, Wilson was ready to take a leap of faith and pursue a more entrepreneurial path.

After a brief stint working in Healthcare IT, in January of 2011, he started Allevia Technology, which Wilson said was one of the best decisions he ever made.

“I had to make sure my prices were right, and then I wanted to prioritize hiring someone,” he said. Wilson believed the best way to grow his business was to be able to serve more people, and the only way to do that was to expand his team.

Wilson’s business growth strategy is so simple, that many founders don’t do it. He approaches growth strategy as “you miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.” He said that mindset made all the difference in Allevia’s success. Wilson was never embarrassed to ask for a referral or an introduction. He never knew if a conversation would lead to a business opportunity, so he was always prepared.

More than anything, Wilson attributes the success of his company to his business philosophy.

“Starting a business, I always wanted it to be about people. I love the technical aspect. I love the bits and bytes and the ones and zeros. But what made me happy was having someone write me a check with a smile on their face, and know I did the best job I could for them.” he said.

Wilson wants people to have a memorable experience with his team. He wants the customer to feel supported and valued beyond what they have to offer business-wise.

On Allevia’s website, Wilson has an Owner’s statement of faith: “I believe that we are stewards of that which God has entrusted to us. I seek to live out the “Great Commandment” that Jesus taught, ‘love the Lord and love your neighbor as yourself. (Mark 12:30-31).

He said Allevia lives out that philosophy every day by leading, educating, and guiding customers into making the best decision. Wilson said out of good faith, he does not sell people services they don’t need.

“We want them to be a client for a long time, and the only way you do that is by taking care of them and establishing trust,” Wilson said.

Allevia will celebrate its 13th birthday on January 21, 2024.

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