Stories of Technology, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship in the Southeast

Knoxville Business News Tennessee Mountain Scenery Background
July 17, 2013 | Tom Ballard

“Venture Match” on materials set for next week in Knoxville

Venture MatchThe second of four “Venture Match” events coordinated by LaunchTN and Tech 20/20 is set for 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 24, at a new location – the Knoxville Entrepreneur Center on Market Square.

The series is focused on a different technology sector each month with the four areas collectively representing the region’s intellectual property strength. For July, the overarching topic is materials science with specific presentations being made on graphene, carbon fiber, superelastomers and ceramic-metal armor.

After last month’s successful inaugural session on energy (see, the organizers have made some slight modifications in the format to allow more time for questions and answers.

The series is sponsored by Bass Berry & Sims.

Speakers for the materials session include:

  • Dr. Jimmy Mays, a University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) Professor and Distinguished Scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, who will discuss superelastomers;
  • Jeff McCay, partner in Top Five and the guiding force behind the Composite Applications Group, who will address carbon fiber;
  • Vig Sherrill, a well-known local entrepreneur, whose topic is grapheme; and
  • Scott Williams of Venture Incite, who will discuss ceramic-metal armor.

Speaking of Mays, UTK’s latest issue of its Quest magazine has an article on Mays’ work in superelastomers. The story can be found at

There is no registration fee for the event, but pre-registration is required for catering purposes. To register, go to or send an email to either Jill Van Beke at or Linda Nyholm at and make the subject line “RSVP for VM-MS.”

The two remaining “Venture Match” sessions are:

  • August 28 – Agriculture at 7:30 a.m. at the University of Tennessee (UT) Business Incubator behind the UT College of Veterinary Medicine.
  • September 25 – Software at 5 p.m. at the Mill Room in Cherokee Mills, 2220 Sutherland Avenue.

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