More about upcoming SBIR and STTR opportunities
More SBIR and STTR program news from Bill Wiley with the University of Tennessee’s Center for Industrial Services.
The Navy SBIR/STTR website (www.navysbir.com/ has a notice that the DoD will issue the pre-release of its FY-2012.3 SBIR solicitation on July 26, 2012. The solicitation, inclusive of Navy topics, will officially open to accept proposals on August 27, 2012 and will close on September 26, 2012 at 6:00am est.
DoD 2012.3 SBIR Solicitation
Pre-release expected July, 2012
DoD 2012.B STTR Solicitation
Pre-release expected July, 2012
Release 1 of the DOE FY2013 SBIR/STTR Phase I Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is scheduled to be issued August 13, 2012, however, the topics are scheduled to be issued July 16th. Watch the DOE SBIR/STTR website (science.energy.gov/sbir/) for updates.
DOE FY 2013 SBIR/STTR Phase I Funding Opportunity Announcement Release 1
FOA Expected August 13, 2012
NASA 2012 SBIR/STTR Solicitation
Expected September 4, 2012
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