TVC Summit registrations exceed 200 for individuals, another 150 for sponsors
Darrell Akins of AkinsCrisp Public Strategies reports that individual registrations for this year’s “Tennessee Valley Corridor Summit” hit 200 late last week.
“With over 150 additional slots reserved for sponsors, we are rapidly climbing toward the 425 maximum for New Hope Center,” he said. “We usually have strong registration the last couple of weeks before the Summit, so if you haven’t registered. yet please do so quickly at www.tennvalleycorridor.org/.”
The event is May 29 and 30 in Oak Ridge. Host is Third District Congressman Chuck Fleischmann. Other speakers include Tennessee Senior Senator Lamar Alexander, U. S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Tennessee First District Congressman Phil Roe, new TVA Chief Executive Officer Bill Johnson, and various Department of Energy executives including Pete Lyons, Neile Miller and Bob Raines.
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