TREEDC announces 2013 forum schedule
The Tennessee Renewable & Economic Development Council (TREEDC) released in late December a tentative calendar of events for 2013 that includes 12 forums with specific dates.
Each forum begins at 8:30 a.m., runs until 12 noon, and is followed by lunch. Roughly one-half of the events are in the teknovation.biz primary focus area. The tentative dates and locations are:
- February 22 – Hiwassee College, Madisonville.
- March 12 – Kingsport.
- April 22 – Jackson Energy Authority, Jackson.
- April 30 – Nashville.
- May 17 – Bethel University, Huntington.
- June 12 – Austin Peay State University, Clarksville.
- June 22 – Tennessee Municipal League annual meeting, Memphis.
- July 9 – Columbia State Community College, Franklin.
- July 26 – Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville.
- August 14 – Knoxville.
- October 3 and 4 – Annual retreat, Ducktown.
- November 2 – Chattanooga.
More specific information will be available closer to the dates.
TREEDC is a network of 88 city and county mayors and other organizations promoting renewable energy as an economic development asset for communities. The organization’s Chair is Joe Johnson, President Emeritus of the University of Tennessee (UT), and the current TREEDC President is Ducktown Mayor James Talley. Warren Nevad, Municipal Management Consultant with UT’s Municipal Technical Advisory Service, serves as TREEDC’s Director.
During 2012, TREEDC hosted 12 statewide events attended by more than 800 people. More information about the organization, including membership, can be found at http://www.treedc.us/.
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