Stories of Technology, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship in the Southeast

Knoxville Business News Tennessee Mountain Scenery Background
September 18, 2018 | Tom Ballard

TN-China Network hosting update on trade and investment issues

The TN-China Network (TNCN) is joining with several other organizations to host a two-hour workshop on October 3 in Knoxville.

Titled the “China Business Experts Roundtable: Status of US-China Trade and Investment,” the session will run from 8 to 10 a.m. at the Knoxville Chamber of Commerce on Market Square. The announcement noted that “as the U.S. and China navigate evolving bilateral relations, Tennessee companies likewise must navigate the changing trade and investment environment.”

Speakers include:

Registration fee is $25 for TNCN members and $35 for others. For more information including a registration link, click here.

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