Stories of Technology, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship in the Southeast

Knoxville Business News Tennessee Mountain Scenery Background
Weekend edition April 19, 2024 | Katelyn Biefeldt

Don’t stress: Work-life balance in TN isn’t so bad

Fostering a healthy balance is crucial for the well-being of the workforce and sustainable productivity.

The line between work and personal life is fading, with many Americans working beyond the traditional 9-to-5. A recent VoiceNation survey sheds light on this trend, revealing that 40 percent of workers are logging more hours than contracted.

Tennesseeans are clocking quite a bit of overtime, with significant numbers checking emails after hours (42 percent) and starting work early (36 percent) or staying late (42 percent). The findings may underscore the need for employers to prioritize work-life balance to prevent burnout and maintain productivity. As the boundaries blur, fostering a healthy balance is crucial for the well-being of the workforce and sustainable productivity.

However, while those numbers may seem high (or low, depending on your personal habits), in comparison to other states, Tennesseeans have a good work-life balance. For example, nationally about 56 percent of employees check emails after work hours.

The data found that Gen Z  is among the least likely to check their emails or work out of hours. While a little more an 50 percent reported that they would check emails out of hours; this is still lower than all age groups, with 55-65 ranking top for 59 percent likely to check email after hours.

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