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July 10, 2023 | Tom Ballard

SSTI reports DOE has given a haircut to its SBIR and STTR funding

The change was mandated by Congress and appears to reduce funding at the Office of Science by more than one-third.

The State Science and Technology Institute, better known by its acronym SSTI, reports that the Office of Science at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has given two of its most popular tech-focused programs a haircut at the direction of Congress.

According to a report in the latest SSTI Digest, Jason Rittenberg wrote that the reduction in funding for the agency’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs “appears to be about 35 percent. The change resulted from Congressional direction that the agency had miscalculated its SBIR set-aside and is intended to make the Office of Science’s calculation more consistent with that of the other programs in DOE. The reduction will likely result in tougher competition for SBIR/STTR awards at the agency in the foreseeable future.”

He reports that Congress directed the department to make this change in its FY22 appropriations bill.

The reduction will likely result in tougher competition for SBIR/STTR awards at the agency in the foreseeable future.


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