Stories of Technology, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship in the Southeast

Knoxville Business News Tennessee Mountain Scenery Background
February 28, 2021 | Tom Ballard

Renamed “Pitchers & Pitches” coming in May at Johnson City baseball stadium

Have you ever seen a pitch from the pitcher’s mound other than by attending a baseball or softball event? Well, you are going to have a unique chance in a few months.

The organizers of the annual “Pitches & Pints” competition in Northeast Tennessee announced last week that the event will return in May with a new name and an outdoor venue. It will now be called “Pitchers & Pitches” and be held on May 6 at the TVA Credit Union Ballpark as a joint effort between FoundersForge and the Johnson City Doughboys. The recently renamed team is owned by Boyd Sports and will play its first season as a member of the Collegiate Wooden Bat League.

While those pitching will do so from the pitcher’s mound, those judging will be seated a home plate, presumably calling balls and strikes!

Event starting time and other details will be announced at a later date.


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