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August 20, 2012 | Tom Ballard

NIH and CDC release information on SBIR solicitation

(EDITOR’S NOTE: The following information was provided by Bill Wiley of the University of Tennessee’s Center for Industrial Services.)

The 2013 Omnibus National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Centers for Disease Control Small Business Innovation Reaserch (SBIR) Contract Solicitation has been posted at The NIH SBIR website has details and solicitation materials in the Funding Opportunity Table near the top of the page – .

A NIH Guide Notice was also released describing the solicitation and also provides the necessary links and information at .

The deadline for contract proposal submissions is Tuesday, November 13, 2012 and submissions must be on paper (not electronic, not through  Please follow the directions in the solicitation very carefully.    You must respond exactly to a topic in the solicitation.

NIH still has its Omnibus SBIR and STTR grant solicitations open for the next receipt date of December 5, 2012.


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