Manufacturers invited to June 27 breakfast discussion
A “Regional Manufacturers’ Breakfast” to explore the possibility of a more formal association of industry executives is slated for 7:30 a.m. June 27 at Pellissippi State Community College (PSCC).
The event is sponsored by B&W Y-12 and hosted by Pellissippi State, Roane State Community College and the University of Tennessee’s Center for Industrial Services.
Mike Arms is one of the organizers and said that “all manufacturers from the region are invited to attend.” To register, contact Joanne Monhollen in PSCC President Anthony Wise’s office at 865/694-6616 or email her at jmonhollen@pstcc.edu.
Tim Spires, President of the Chattanooga Regional Manufacturers Association (CRMA), will discuss his organization and the various ways in which it serves manufacturers. He outlined CRMA’s services at the June 15 weekly meeting of the East Tennessee Technology Council.
Arms said that areas where manufacturing executives could find opportunities to collaborate include best practices in areas like procurement and human resources, workforce development, training, resource identification and sharing, and legislative and regulatory issues.
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