Life Science TN meeting set for Oak Ridge with TNInvestco panel
UPDATE: Joe Cook, Jr., Principal and co-founder of Mountain Capital Group, another TNInvestco, has adjusted his schedule to participate in the East Tennessee meeting. He is also Chair of the Life Science Tennessee board of directors.
Life Science Tennessee will hold a special event for East Tennesseans on Friday, March 23, at Tech 20/20 in Oak Ridge.
The luncheon meeting begins at 11:30 a.m. and will feature a panel of representatives from three of the 10 TNInvestcos. They are:
- Brian Laden, co-founder of TriStar Technology Ventures.
- Gary Stevenson, co-founder and Managing Partner of MB Venture Partners.
- Ken Woody, President and Partner in Innova.
The TNInvestco program was established by the Tennessee General Assembly in 2009 and allocated $200 million dollars in tax credits to a cross section of venture capital funds with broad experience in developing new companies in Tennessee. The goals of the program are to develop the entrepreneurial infrastructure across the state, attract new capital to Tennessee, and diversify the state’s economy and create jobs through the development of “innovation clusters” which result in new companies being spun off.
After the panel discussion, the three TNInvestco representatives will be available to talk to prospective clients.
Both members of the statewide association and non-members are invited to attend. For non-members, the cost is $40. For more information and to RSVP, email atrotter@lifesciencetn.org.
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