Recent PitchBook News report examines trends in agtech
PitchBook News notes that “the pandemic led investors to ramp up investment in agtech startups addressing vulnerabilities in agricultural supply chains. Now extreme weather events including droughts and wildfires are highlighting new challenges and driving investment in soil sensors, weather prediction services, and aerial imagery that helps growers mitigate the effects of climate change.”
In the latest installment of its “Emerging Tech Research” report, PitchBook News notes these key takeaways: (1) venture funding for global agtech start-ups hit $2.1 billion in the second quarter of 2021; (2) agtech exit counts doubled in Q2, with 12 deals accounting for $2.6 billion in exit value globally; (3) insect farming is gaining steam as corporate food companies look for innovative ways to reach sustainability goals; and (4) climate change is expected to become one of the dominant drivers of agtech investment in the near future.
Those interested in downloading the report can do so at this link.
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