- Adam Forester, Checkpoint;
- Jeff Sparks, Proofpoint;
- Nick Sweet, Avertium; and
- Chad Waddell, InfoSystems.

KTech planning cybersecurity in the cloud lunch and learn November 20
The new Knoxville Technology Council (KTech) has scheduled its second public event – a “lunch and learn” on cybersecurity to be held November 20 at the Joint Institute for Advanced Materials on the University of Tennessee Research Park at Cherokee Farm.
Brandon Bruce, one of the KTech founders, says a panel of experts from Avertium, InfoSystems, Checkpoint, and Proofpoint will answer participants’ questions about the top security issues for doing business in the cloud. Those on the panel are:
There is no fee to register for the program that begins at 11:30 a.m. To sign-up, click here.
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