Hurst wins Muddy Boot Award, Cadre5 called-out at annual ETEC meeting
Two small businesses from Knoxville were celebrating at Friday’s annual meeting of the East Tennessee Economic Council (ETEC).
Dan Hurst, President and Chief Executive Officer of Strata-G, was presented the Muddy Boot Award, the organization’s highest honor. As described on the ETEC webpage, the award is presented “to recognize an individual (not institution) for significant and long-term contributions to the East Tennessee area with respect to the federal government programs and its spin-offs by leveraging the federal presence to create private sector jobs. Participation in the community beyond the workplace is essential.”
Consistent with the annual celebration of good things happening in the region, there was also some unexpected recognition for Knoxville-based Cadre5, a company that is clearly on a roll. Anne Harrington, Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation in the National Nuclear Security Administration, called-out the company for an award it had just won for its G2 product.
“It is used by us to manage a $2 billion portfolio of projects,” said. Just last week, the company was named as an important contributor to an award that Oak Ridge National Laboratory received for innovative information technology. That recognition came from the ACT-IAC, better known as the American Council for Technology (ACT) and Industry Advisory Council (IAC).
Cadre5, which was profiled several years ago on teknovation.biz, is a full-service digital technology and design firm. It was recognized as the U.S. Small Business Administration’s “2014 Small Business Subcontractor of the Year Award” for Region 4.
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