Stories of Technology, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship in the Southeast

Knoxville Business News Tennessee Mountain Scenery Background
December 09, 2020 | Tom Ballard

Confluent Medical to open manufacturing operation in Chattanooga

Confluent Medical, headquartered in Scottsdale, AZ, has announced plans to invest $8.3 million in Chattanooga where it will manufacture high-performance medical tubing and create about 80 jobs over the next few years.

According to yesterday’s announcement, the company utilizes its materials science expertise to develop proprietary manufacturing technologies which produce implantable and life-critical medical devices for the world’s leading medical device companies. Confluent specializes in vascular implantable Nitinol, implantable textiles, balloon catheters and complex catheters.

“Confluent Medical is an innovative company that’s bringing their manufacturing capabilities to Chattanooga and Hamilton County,” said Charles Wood, Vice President of Economic Development at the Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce. “They represent a target industry with the capacity to drive growth and innovation across the region.”

Chattanooga is also home to Advanced Catheter Therapies that we have spotlighted on several occasions in


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