Branch Technology to announce “3D Printed Home Design Challenge” winners
Platt Boyd, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Branch Technology, advises that there are just days, if not hours, left for the online voting in the Chattanooga start-up’s “3D Printed Home Design Challenge” before the winners are announced on Thursday.
Branch invited designers to conceive the house of the future utilizing the company’s cellular fabrication technology. Submissions were received from contestants from 97 different countries, and Branch culled those down to the top 50 entries. They are live here and have been open to public voting for the “People’s Choice Award” since last week. You can also access a video of the top entries here.
Boyd says the winner of the juried grand prize and “Visionary Award” will be announced this Thursday (April 21) at the “BuiltWorlds CEO Tech Forum” in Chicago and at the Launch Tennessee’s The TENN Finale” in Nashville where Branch is a finalist. Construction on the grand prize winning entry is expected to start by the end of the year.
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