Beierschmitt finishes YetiZen Accelerator, launches Dropple game on iOS
We talked twice this fall with Aron Beierschmitt of Foundation Games – once when the University of Tennessee’s (UT) “Fall Vol Court” competition launched in September and again a month later when he joined several UT Knoxville students who were part of an Anderson Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation presentation at the UT Foundation luncheon.
As we have reported , Beierschmitt has been participating in the three-month YetiZen Accelerator Program in San Francisco that ended earlier this month. We promised an update from him after the event. Here it is.
The accelerator program wasn’t a competition per se. On the first of November we had our demo day and I received a lot of interest in the company. I’ve spent the last couple of weeks locking down joint venture partnerships with several companies to stabilize Foundation Game’s cash flow in 2013.
We just launched Dropple on iOS and are about to launch Ravenwood Fair as well. I’m looking forward to a big holiday season and a lot of sales.
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