August 1 deadline rapidly approaching to apply for LifeSciTN event
The August 1 application deadline for companies interested in presenting at the November Life Science Tennessee (LifeSciTN) annual meeting is rapidly approaching.
LifeSciTN’s “Venture Forum” will feature a Business Plan Competition and Company Showcase during the Nashville event November 14, 15 and16 featuring.
“Both are wonderful opportunities for early and growth/later stage life science businesses in Tennessee,” said Joe Cook, Jr., Chair of LifeSciTN, said in a recent email reminding interested parties of the rapidly approaching deadline.
He described the application process as “fairly simple” and noted that “a committee will be reviewing the applications and helping to place each applicant in the appropriate category, either the Business Plan Competition or the Company Showcase.”
Companies selected to participate in the Business Plan Competition will begin with a mentoring program that will help them through writing a business plan and making a pitch to investors. The winner of this competition will receive $5,000 cash as well as in-kind services from some of our partnering law firms, accounting firm, consultants and life science organizations in the state. These companies will also present at the conference and could be in line for further investment opportunities from the VCs present there.
Companies applying to participate in the Company Showcase will be eligible to receive funds from the four TNInvestco Venture funds that regularly invest in life sciences. The four venture funds have agreed to provide up to $200,000 in investments or debt to the companies presenting during the conference.
Companies interested in applying should go to LifeSciTN’s website at http://www.lifesciencetn.org/annualmeeting2012/business_competition.
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