Abouelata reminds of upcoming events
Harvey Abouelata with ARiES Energy sent us a notice about several upcoming events that might be of interest.
They are:
- Four ARiES Energy Residential Solar PV Workshops – 10 a.m. March 6 at the Ducktown City Hall (http://www.ariesenergy.com/Ducktown.html); 10 a.m. March 8 at the Tellico Village Chota Recreation Center (http://www.ariesenergy.com/TellicoVillage.html); and the final two, one at 10 a.m. and the other at 1 p.m., both on March 23 at the SPECTRUM exhibit in East Town Center, second floor (http://www.ariesenergy.com/SPECTRUM.html).
- The final event is the Tennessee Environmental Conference March 12 and 13 at the MeadowView Conference Resort and Convention Center in Kingsport. Ted Wampler Jr. is the keynote speaker. More information is available at http://www.tnenvironment.com/home.aspx.
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